Turning Around The Podcast – Episode 040

Turning Around The Podcast

CATEGORY : Leadership


Its time to turn around the podcast and take it to the next level. How do I do that? By being consistant. I recommit to doing another 40 episodes of the podcast but I want you to let me know what I can do to make it better. You want to get entertained, and educated and inspired. Lets do this together! I added a few clips to this show 1. The Mojovation group recent episode http://www.facebook.com/groups/mojovation 2. The most recent gary sanchez interview from The Why Institude. http://whyinstitute.com/blog/joe-apfelbaum-better-way/

Tune in to listen in this exciting new episode.


For more information please visit: http://www.joeapfelbaum.com/coach/

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